Software and mobile app is necessary to use in this digital world for your automobile workshop or service center or car washing center. It is important to manage your all customers, billing, expenses data and at the same time also need to send auto service reminder SMS to your customers. It's a key to make your business more sustainable and profitable in this competitive environment. It is also important to track your business profit and loss too.
Why SmartWorkshop software is best for your auto service center or carwashing center? Let's look at all points one by one.
1. You can manage your all kind of services & prices
2. You can use it from a laptop, desktop or mobile app
3. You can give data entry & bill generate access to your staff as well
4. You can manage your customer all details with car number
5. You can submit all requirement of customers and save as job card.
6. You can generate with a tax or without tax bill and you can send bill by SMS or print it too
7. You can manage the next service reminder SMS to and the system will send auto service reminder message to the customer
8. You can manage expenses as well and you can easily track your profit & loss
More importantly, all this comes at a very low cost, and software quality and service is also number 1. Do not believe us, first try a free trial and then take your decision.